Connexion Canada

Express Entry

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It is a new electronic system, as of January 2015, to manage applications for permanent residence under certain economic immigration programs.

Those programs are:
– The Federal Skilled Worker Program
– The Federal Skilled Trades Program
– The Canadian Experience Class
– Provincial Nominee Programs
Potential candidates must complete an online Express Entry profile to provide information about their skills, work experience, language ability, education, and other details that will help assess them.
Candidates who meet the required criteria of one of the federal immigration programs will be accepted into pool of candidates, and will be ranked against others in the pool using a system called Comprehensive Ranking System.
Candidates with the highest scores in the pool will receive an Invitation to Apply.
How does the Comprehensive Ranking System works (CRS)?
It is a points-based system that is used to assess and score a candidate’s profile to rank them in the pool of candidates.
The scoring system is based on four parts:
– Skills and experience factors
– Spouse or common-law partner factors
– Skills transferability
– Additional points for candidates with nominations from a province or territory or a valid job offer. All candidates will be given a score out of 1,200.

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